I'm a member of She Writes, an online community for women writers. If you found this blog through our Blogger's Ball, I'm happy you're here. Feel free to poke around my corner of the web, and please leave a comment to let me know you were here. I hope you enjoy.
About me: I'm a wannabe writer trying desperately to break free from yee ole 8-5 job, or as I fondly think of it, the Hoover Deluxe Time & Joy Sucker. I'll bet you can relate.
Hi there - good luck with the Ole Master Plan. Over here from SheWrites, I can relate to every surface being covered in books - I too have no discipline as far as books are concerned. Be warned, once you have finished your book you'll be able to justify them all by saying, "see I'm novelist and a novelist must have books - they are my research!"
Posted by: Deborah Swift | 04/21/2011 at 03:07 AM
Hello, I have visited your blog before, as you know - but I'm popping back to say hello via the She Writes blog ball, and to wish you a great weekend.
Posted by: Helen Smith | 04/22/2011 at 01:09 PM
Hello! I am visiting from the She Writes blogger ball. You have a beautiful site here. I hope you enjoy the ball!
Posted by: RL Johnson | 04/22/2011 at 07:35 PM
Hi, I'm visiting from SheWrites Blogger Ball. I love your gelato photo and definitely relate to troubles instituting a master plan. Good luck with it!
Posted by: Julie F in St. Louis, MO | 04/23/2011 at 07:31 PM