... We've let ourselves go?
Writers work at home, in libraries, or especially in coffee shops. But the bulk of the work is done at home, freeing us of the "office casual" wardrobe.
Now, for all of you who jump from bed, race to the shower, and speed off to work each day, don't you luxuriate in your PJs on Saturday? Maybe not dressing until you're hungry and the imagined smell of restaurant pancakes lures you to the shower?
Now, picture a three-day weekend spent at home:
- Do you view PJs as an outfit?
- Has your family suggested freshly laundered PJs?
- Did you need to search for real shorts just to mow the front lawn?
This is the hygiene quicksand that threatens writers.
Imagine that compounded by an inability to work at a library or coffee shop because your day job happens in your living room as well. I work all day at the computer in my living room. Most days, I shower and change around noon. I call it "lunch." But some days...
Well, let's just say, for some reason, I believed the postman couldn't see me when he came to the door each day. Windows only work one way, right?
Last week, my Tante send us a present. When he came up the steps, he called inside, the door being open, and cheerfully said, "I hate to ring the bell. You always look so busy."
New Rule: Never wear an ensemble, such as this, anywhere past 11:00 am.
Oh, and do not classify this as an ensemble.
My Pride and any future postal workers send Tante our thanks!
PS: If anyone would like to nominate me for What Not to Wear, I will ugly down immediately.
I think that's the living the dream, to work at home in the ole pjs, not dealing with rush hour and playing on the internet without being monitored by some snoop supervisor. Who wouldn't want that? And if the postman is saying you look busy, then surely you're taking your work seriously.
Posted by: Totsymae | 07/27/2011 at 10:37 AM
Your postman has his own blog where he comments on the folks that he sees in his line of work. "and there's one gal who works from home whose Big Pink Bathrobe is the highlight of my route. I've seen it worn late into the afternoon..."
Posted by: eden | 07/27/2011 at 10:42 AM
LOL. I run and shower first thing in the morning, so I'm never in pjs too long. I didn't realize I was also saving myself from this fashion disaster writers can get themselves into!
Posted by: Kelly Hashway | 07/27/2011 at 11:24 AM
SO FUNNY. I worked from home yesterday and wore similar. I was on back to back conference calls and finally at 5:15 took a shower. I confess, on weekends I do take my sweet time getting on my beauty. Love the socks btw.. totally sexy.
Posted by: Brenda | 07/27/2011 at 11:28 AM
AWW I always loved seeing the pink robe lol.. Its ok at least you shower before 11:00 I would go till about 1 or 2 on good days lol.Breaking point running into people at the store with my scarf on, socks with sandals and pjs lol.. I knew I had a problem
Posted by: megs | 07/27/2011 at 12:38 PM
This looks remarkably like my winter ensembles. Being the weather here is in the 100s, I'm more likely to wear jeans and an old tee these days.
Posted by: Jennifer O. (@litendeavors) | 07/27/2011 at 12:38 PM
funny! I do change out of my pjs because there are too many windows in my house, and I've been caught one too many times! BUT I wear sweats all day almost every day. I do try to change into nicer clothes to go out, but sometimes don't bother....
Posted by: Julia | 07/27/2011 at 03:56 PM
Sounds like the life. I have a day job to pay the bills so I still have to scrounge together office casual outfits in the morning. Then at night I squeeze in exercise, family time, laundry, and writing. I cherish weekends and an occasional disgnated "writing day" on a weekday. My goal is start eventually make enough writing income to graduate to PJs in the daytime. Wish me luck!
Posted by: Carol Apple | 07/27/2011 at 05:59 PM
TOTSY -- Oh, honey, I agree that working at home has it's perks. I'm fairly sure I'm spoiled and no longer fit to work in an office. I definitely don't miss that computer monitoring. Yuck!! Strangely, though, I miss the commute time, alone in my head, or singing to the radio. And I miss talking with coworkers. My kitties are not great talkers.
EDEN -- HORRORS. And would so serve me right! haaaa
KELLY -- You're the adult I hope to grow up to be!!!
BRENDA -- "Getting on my beauty." I love that!!!! So totally borrowing that expression. I do hate when I feels like I just got cleaned up and the day is ending. I'm living backwards!
MEGS -- Socks with sandals?!! That ain't right. Never ever! Put a post-it on your front door that says, "Off with socks before you leave!"
JENNIFER -- Wow! Where do you live? I sure miss Arizona. We've only had 78 minutes of 80+ degrees this summer. No joke. The weather channel said so. I almost died of disgust.
JULIA -- I sported my sweats down to the coffeeshop just last week. But I admit, I felt slouchy and decided not to make that a habit. The mocha was good, though!
Carol -- You can do it!! Keep writing!!! And honey, I feel your pain. I have the exact same schedule, except for the dressing (clearly, based on the above post) and the commute. It kills me that my WIP is sitting right here on this computer, but I gotta use all my time on the day job. Occasionally, I indulge in a right royal tantrum. =) Keep up the fight, lady.
Posted by: Girl Parker | 07/28/2011 at 02:59 PM
LOL!!! (Boy, am I glad you can't see what I'm wearing right now. eep.) :D
Posted by: Sam | 08/02/2011 at 03:06 AM
Lori, I have an outfit that closely resembles this one! Oh no! I think it might be time we rethought our wardrobe! :)
Posted by: Bella | 10/13/2011 at 12:44 PM
This is HILARIOUS!! And I see from the comments that I already commented at the time you first posted this...apparently we're on the same PJ/comfy clothes wavelength!! Luckily as I head into Maine winter, PJs will always be replaced by my warmer choice of sweats. And I can avoid being caught with (only) my PJs on!!
Posted by: Julia Munroe Martin | 10/14/2011 at 01:53 PM
SAM -- Please, you're as cute as a button in your pics. If you slouch around with the rest of us, you time it brilliantly!!!
BELLA -- You used the word "outfit"!!! We're doomed. We're going down with the PJ's and sweats at Walmart crowd. I really thought my life would turn out differently. HA!!
JULIA -- The nine-month rain has begun in Seattle and I'm eyeing all the sales ads for new sweats. Sooo comfy, how can we resist?! I love LOVE the Hello Kitty pjs your friend wore in her post. I'd live in those AND jaunt down to the coffee shop in them. =)
Posted by: Girl Parker | 10/14/2011 at 02:47 PM