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I love that movie! Great hairdo.


Thank you for stopping by today! Great to make new friends! :) Who are in the photos?

Girl Parker

NESSA -- Oh, I do too!!! Every line is totally quotable. Thanks for stopping by!

SHAN -- My pleasure, and back atcha! The bride in curlers is Eden, my best friend. She got married last February.


Lori, don't think I could love this more. Seriously. And as long as Eden's hair didn't turn out like a brown football helmet, all is good.


Adore the movie - so many quotable lines! My daughter just got married...you've given me an idea for a scrpbook page or two with her "getting ready" photos!!

Nancy McPherson

The Ole Master of Juxtaposition! I think Eden is far more beeyootiful than that Shelby, and had more sense than to hose the wedding site down with Pepto Bismol.....


Lori, what a great shot of Eden! I love it! And she looks ten times better than Julia and Dolly! :)

Girl Parker

HEIDI -- I seriously looked for a good quality video clip of that scene, but couldn't find one. So sad. Thanks!!

ADRIENNE -- OH!! I'm so glad!!! My tante just made a scrapbook of my wedding for me and I love it.

NANCY -- hee-hee, the mother of the bride absolutely should be biased! Heck no to pepto pink. What kind of best friend would I be if I allowed that?!

BELLA -- Thanks. And I'll tell her. She'll get a giggle from that. =)

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